Customer Spotlights

The Lieterman's

  • Is there anything you would change to your TSH Home? There is not much we would change. After seeing the other Two Structures homes being built around us, we would have liked to have added a larger front porch but nothing other than that, we love it!
  • What was the hardest decision you had to make when designing your home? We went back and forth on which home style (3 bedroom two story) or our selected home (4 bedroom). We made the right choice since all the kids have a space when they are visiting. 
  • Are there any upgrades you wished you would have done? I wish we had gone for the fireplace add-on. We realized during the holidays that we didn't have a mantle to hang the stockings on!
  • What was your favorite part of the process? Picking the kitchen lighting, colors and counters was the best part. The kitchen exceeded our expectations and it is where everybody likes to hang out!
  • What do you love most about your home? We really love the open concept. The house has lots of windows and light to make it feel warm and inviting.